Sunday, September 23

OH my G*******D!!

OMG! our passports ran out, sooooo, off to Max Sp to get some new pics done before they hike up the passport costs in October..... bloody nora, have we changed,, then i said to Mike that we look better now than we did in '97,,, so therefore in 2017 (did i just type that!?) we should look bloody gorgeous, haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, not a chance!!!!!

So for the very very few of you that ACTUALLY read my blog, here we are, judge for yourself, have a laugh, print 'em off and throw darts at them, lol,,,, they have been posted off, this is what we are now supposed to look like for the next 10 years, looks like a couple of mugshots on Britains most wanted to me, see ya,,, Sue xxx

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